Sunday, September 26, 2010

This is where my Heart is


  1. Okay... I didn't get to watch the video you posted yet... its midnight here and people are in bed and i don't want to wake them up... But i wanted to leave you a comment! (ps Is that Heidi Baker in that youtube video? I love her ministry!)

    I think we should be friends! I have been reading some of your back posts-- and how you and your hubby met-- and how you have song of songs 8:6 up on your blog (that exact verse is tattooed on my right arm)--- and I love your blog!!!

    So glad to know you!

  2. It is Heidi Baker. I'm so excited you know of her!

    I love Songs 8:6! I was actually thinking of a way to tattoo that on my back somewhere. That's so awesome that you have it on your arm!

    I would love to be friends (; Nice to meet you!

  3. Wow- what an amazing ministry. I went to their website as well! Seriously amazing!
