Saturday, November 20, 2010

Yoga, New Shoes, the Doctor, & Thanksgiving Week

Even though I really should be writing a paper on why I'm against personality testing in middle/high school, I'm just going to attempt to document some happenings of this past week instead.

This week Scott & I have done a little bit of shopping... to say the least...

One of our Hubbert Christmas traditions is participating in the Christmas Angel project that the mall sponsors every year. This is wear DHR collects the names of families who can't afford to buy their children gifts this season and they write their ages, sizes, and a toy that each child asked for on a paper angel and they hang it on a Christmas tree. The community is supposed to pick one, buy the child gifts, and turn them in to the health department to be distributed to the child you bought for.
It's so much fun! And this year, Scott picked a 7 year old boy who wanted a "tool set that works for big boys" and I picked a 4 year old girl who wanted "dress up clothes" -- Can't you alread
y tell how precious these kids are?! We went WAY overboard buying clothes, a coat, shoes, and toys for these 2 random babes. And we enjoy every single minute of it.
I sent my dad an email telling how much fun it was to us and how it made us look for
ward to having Christmas with our own kids one day. I told him that I didn't just want to buy them presents, I wanted them to come live with me, have Christmas with my families, and let me teach them about Christ. Hahaha ~ but for now, the gifts will have to do ~

This week I got a brand new yoga mat in my favorite color - Green! And it works wonderfully.
Sometimes you just need something to look forward to, to give you that extra push sometimes required to wake up early and exercise. And a mat in your favorite color seems to do just that!
It also helps to use the Holy Yoga technique and
meditate on Bible verses and the goodness of the Lord rather than just "working out"!

Which means I'm one step closer to the capability of holding this pose ... Right?!

And ...

allow me to introduce,

2009 Nike Airmax with Flywire
These are my new running / Zumba / anything-exercise-related shoes. So far, they are the most amazing and comfortable shoes on the planet. I'm serious! I highly recommend them. They are worth every penny put out for them. They offer GREAT stability for Zumba and other dance/cardio classes.

My husband even noticed how much I stopped complaining about foot & lower back pain after I got these new kicks, so he bought him the manly version of the ones shown above. He plays bass at Ramp conferences every other weekend and that usually requires him to stand on his feet with a huge ol' bass guitar draped over him for hours at a time (seriously- between 2-5 hours) so it wears his feet out. Not with these guys! He loves the way they help him out. (And he LOVES all the compliments and questions he gets on them.) Plus, he even has knee problems left over from the toll of high school sports, these help him immensely!

I also ordered these beauties today. I was so excited about the braided leather that I put them on 1-2 day shipping. HA! And I rarely EVER do that in hopes of saving some extra $. I'm excited to have them in time for Thanksgiving celebrations (:

I also stocked up on some organic cotton yoga pants, tanks, and pullovers at Burk's Outlet. (It was my first time in that store. Do any of you shop there?) I didn't buy as much of it as I wanted to because I also found the neatest antique looking hat box that I'm dying to use for ... well, something!? (:
I plan on going in there sometime this week and getting a few more yoga pants.
I just didn't want Scott asking questions about such a large receipt. (Maybe he won't notice so much if I split up the purchases?) Haha -- just kidding (: Love you hun~

On another note, I was VERY sick this week. The Doc said it was fluid built up behind my ear. I don't EVER remember being in pain like that (of course, I've never broken a bone either). I even went to my car one day during classes, held my head, and just cried cause I couldn't make it stop. The doctor gave me 3 different prescriptions (I rarely ever even take tylenol), a shot in the "hip" (that is NOT my hip), and I had to pee in a cup (which always disgusts me). Scott is such a sweety though! Geesh! He totally babies me when I feel bad and I'm totally THANKFUL for that. Especially since my dad's in Afghanistan and he's usually the one who checks on me/calls the doctor (I have a VERY caring father. Which is rare in society these days - another thing I'm very THANKFUL for).
And THANK God for my mom, who brought over soup, gatorade, and apple juice. She always nurses me back to health (and prays for me)! And my wonderful mother-in-law who called throughout the day making sure I was okay. I'm very thankful for her. Sheesh -- i have the best family EVER~

So this week classes are canceled in celebration of the very first pilgrim's feast with the Indian's. (Note the highlighted "thankful" words above :)
I'm determined to get an EXTRA lot of housework and organizing done that I've been procrastinating the past few weeks. Scott is probably excited about this too, as he is probably tired of washing his own clothes.

Happy Thanksgiving Week Blogworld!

Question for my blog friends: Scott and I are thinking about doing a body cleanse. We're leaning towards the one that Arbonne sells. We want something that might knock off a few pounds during the process as well. Any of you have any experience with these things?


  1. I love those boots you ordered! So cute and practical too.
    My husband has some of those tennis shoes and they are his favorite. Actually 2 pairs! I want a pair for myself but I bought some not too long ago that are still in decent condition..... maybe I should go for a muddy run soon? hah.

    I'm sorry you were sick, but what sweet family you have! I love family.
