Saturday, October 9, 2010

Lack of blogs = Much study time

I'm still so new to the blogging world, thus I haven't gotten into a routine of daily (or even weekly) blogging. My posts are sporadic and random, but maybe with time I'll figure out the technique.

Well my best excuse for no blogging would have to be, the classic, "school". I've been so busy with my studies and papers and readings that I've had absolutely zero time to read anything of my choosing, no time for Zumba or my newly discovered interest in Holy Yoga (thanks to sweet, sweet Mandy), and zippo time to just sit outside in my hammock and enjoy this beautiful weather that Jesus sends to the South during this time of year.
This past week has been very stressful. I had two major tests and a midterm! (My mind is numb thanks to the intense study hours.)
However, before embarking upon the writing of this very post, I mustered up the courage to go to my school email and discovered that... (cue drum rolls pleeeeease...)

I made A's on all 3 of those above mentioned tests!
& I have the highest average in my psy 210 class (:
[insert HUGE "Praise Jesus" with uplifted hands here]

In other news, my amazing music man's birthday is tomorrow and I have quite a line up for him! Including (but not limited to): gifts, homemade cake, a home-cooked french toast breakfast (his request),
and to top it all off, he's getting the night off of his usual sunday night service gig to go play with our much missed best friends at a church here in town (which means no hour long drive)!

It just couldn't have worked out more perfectly.

Umm, so now I can't take the 'bold' function off. Seriously, it won't go away, I've tried everything.
So from this point on, let boldness have no effect on how this is read.
It's not there by my choice.

I'm really wanting to go with my sister on a mission trip to Costa Rica to work with children this spring break. Yes Lord -- I'm praying very hard on this.
Apparently (through word of my sister), a man whose children are apart of our Ramp community (and may even be interns? I'm not sure) is from Costa Rica himself and coordinates several trips there yearly. He said, "when you first arrive the children run to you and that they smell so badly, but that by the time your trip is over the smell of them running to you becomes so wonderful cause it's filled with love and you can't wait to come back and experience it again."

... I long to experience this with everything in me! My heart swells to ten times its size when I think about it. My eyes tear up with tears of excitement, happiness, and passion. My skin gets chill bumps. I dream of holding orphaned babies. I pray daily that the Lord uses my hands to care for those He loves. I want nothing more than to be apart of His Love and showing it to children who have never experienced "love" in their life. I want to hide myself in His love so deeply that I'm no longer seen, but Christ is seen through me.
This is truly what I was born for.

[I had to change the font color to take away from the distracting boldness that WILL NOT go away.]

I'm going to say this reddish color is in celebration of FALL, or should I say, AUTUMN! (my name)

I love fall so much. I think it comes from my mom always making such a big deal over every single holiday and especially fall. It's her favorite, thus the naming of her first daughter after it.

I'm at the music store 'helping' Scott since he's the only one working today, and we have the Alabama & South Carolina game on the tv, so it's pretty loud and so so hard to concentrate. This will have to be where I end at for this post.
Hopefully I'll be able to post more this week than the last few.

Love to everyone who reads this!


  1. hehe. I've had my struggles with my fonts too :) Can't wait to ready more of your posts...this one had me laughing.

